
We came across fascinating research about how great tits and blue tits adapt to change in weather patterns and manage their hatch date to sync with food supply.

The research points out that the great tits and blue tits spend more in incubation to hatch early if the weather is good and similarly spend less time incubating to delay the hatching if the weather is very cold, so that food sources are available when chicks are born.

It is so amazing to know how these birds adapt to changing weather patterns and get the desired outcome i.e hatching closer to abundance of food supply.

Way of Working

If we look closely, they produce a base element in the form of an egg and they can make some tweaks to other parameters like incubation times etc to achieve the desired result.

This is very similar to painting where we add a base layer and add the top layers to create the desired painting . In fact all the universe and nature is full of repetition that produces finest result.

@Imgae Credit: Unsplash

Similarly when we try to deliver any product , we should think simple and create a base element on which we can iterate upon.

The base element should be self sufficient and should have all the basic ingredients to make the simplest form of the product, later we can add/remove features to create the desired final product.

Our way of working should adopt a similar approach where we create foundational elements and iterate upon them and make tweaks to foundation elements such that the foundation element has not changed drastically nor lost its essence. If we destroy the core of the foundation element, it means its new product and we should iterate upon that.


Let's say we want develop a product to book airline tickets. We can do the following

1) We should look the end to end design of the basic element

2) Create a simple application with one api and wrap it such that it can be updated

3) Deploy the application such that we can access it like how a user can access and test it.

Like the egg case, the basic element should have all the basic features (like the shell, emryayo etc) on which we can iterate upon.


All the time, we should strive to produce that finest egg where we can add our touch to make it hatch.

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